This distinction between the test scenarios helped manage risk, by allowing additional resource to be applied when unexpected problems occurred, at the expense of test scenarios of lower priority. 通过允许当未预期的问题出现时应用附加的资源,以较低优先级的测试场景为代价,测试场景之间的差别帮助管理风险。
Applied research& sometimes at the expense of basic research and teaching programmes. 这反过来又驱动着大学强化应用研究&有时候是以损害基础研究和教学项目为代价的。
Fused Deposition Modeling ( FDM) in rapid prototyping technology is widely applied in industry because of its lower expense of equipment and lower consumption of materials. 快速成型技术中的熔融沉积造型(FDM)工艺由于设备费用较低、材料利用率较高而在实际生产中得到广泛的应用。
The author applied the theory of economic in fund time value, the dynamic method computation expense year value theory to in the heating research; 将经济学中资金时间价值理论、动态法计算费用年值理论运用到供暖方式的研究中,使课题具有现实意义。
If the policy of electric power is applied, off-peak electricity thermal storage is compared with electricity direct calefaction, its expense of energy consumption is the lower. It can bring profit. 如果采用分时电价政策,电蓄热与电直接加热相比,加热相同数量的热水,它的能源消耗费用低,能带来很好的经济效益。
The high energy density self-healing metallized film pulse capacitor has been applied to all kinds of laser facilities for their power conditioning systems, whose reliability and expense are straightforwardly affected by the reliability level of the capacitors. 自愈式金属化膜脉冲电容器广泛应用于各类激光装置的能源系统中,它的可靠性直接影响到系统的可靠性与运行费用。
Finally, association rules mining is applied to the outlier expense to fine out the association of factors. 最后对超标费用做进一步的分析,利用数据挖掘技术中的关联规则分析方法,挖掘超标费用和产生超标费用的可能因素之间的规则。
But it can ′ t be applied in a large scale on account of its high expense. 但因设备条件要求高,成本相对较高,不宜用于大批量检测。